Monday, August 11, 2014

What I'm working on today

I guess I should say what I'm hoping to work on today. I'm hoping to sew today. I haven't sat behind a sewing machine in about a week. I was way too busy, visiting family in Colorado. My brother & his wife had a new baby girl a few months ago & my sister & I met a their house for a sibling reunion. Here I am with my sweet new niece

We had such a great time. My husband was a great trooper he took me to many different quilt shops & The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden 

I do have a good time at quilt museums but I do feel let down when I leave. I guess I am expecting more quilts than what I see. These were the two quilts from the 15 that I liked 

They did have this shirt in the gift shop & it cracked me up

Today I've got to do laundry & do some cleaning but I really want to make time for cutting more white rectangles for my '30's quilt. I've got 150 blocks done just 100 more to go!! I hope y'all are having a great day. More later on,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Vicky. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just wanted to let you know that you are a no reply blogger. If you already know this, disregard this message. I like to let people know because I was set up that way too for a long time and didn't know it, so people couldn't contact me back. Anyhow, have a great day! Love the quilts in this post and the baby is pretty cute too!! A 30's quilt, that's one I am anxious to see, love them!!
