Monday, September 8, 2014

The hideous beautiful Apple Core quilt

Progress has been made!!! That is so exciting for me. With straight edge piecing the whole process goes so quickly but curved piecing is another story. It's not hard but it does make me go a lot slower. I'm so excited that all of the rows are made & now they just need to be put together. Woohoo!!

I've decided that this is as big as this is going to get. There will be a happy dance when the last row is attached. The next decision will be what to do on the binding. Do I square it up & do a regular binding or cut with the curve & make a bias binding. We'll see I'm not there yet so that decision does not have to be made. I hope y'all are having a great day. It's beautiful here but allergies are still keeping me inside. That's ok because I'm a quilter, I'll stay busy. More later on,



  1. Love the title of your blog post! I sometimes feel like that about my creations... Also, you have a design floor, too! Nice to know that we're both in on that little secret! ;P Good luck with getting that last row on. Have you thought about a solid border (to tie everything together) with an inside scalloped edge and an outside straight edge? Then you could do a straight binding on the quilt. I know; it'd mean a few more curved I kind of hate to suggest it! Feel free to return the favor and tell me to do a lot of heinous work! (For me, that'd be the actual quilting...)

  2. Something curvy!

    Either bias binding, or lalaluu's idea of an inside scalloped border with outside straight edge. (brilliant, by the way)
