Thursday, September 10, 2015

Finding something that was lost uncovered things I'd forgotten I had

I was on the hunt this week for a set of keys that I had missplaced. I was wishing that it had been something bigger that way it would have been easier to find. I was tearing apart my sewing room, moving stacks & totes of fabric to no avail I could not find those keys. What I did find was that I now had a messy sewing room & as I turned around my rumpus hit a stack of quilts that went tumbling to the floor. That was the last straw. I was fed up with my stacks of fabric & quilts, it was time to do something about it. In coming to that realization I accepted the fact that I was running out of room & I wasn't entirely sure on how to deal with it.

First things first my sewing room is very small, 10'x10'. I have a large cutting table against one wall & on the other is sturdy shelves. There is fabric under the cutting table, in front of the closet door & the shelves. I have also started a stash of leftover batting. Whenever I get a quilt back from my longarmer I just put those pieces under the table. Well I think I need to bite the bullet & take the time to sew them together. That way it would use them up & same me some money.

Second: I have thought of selling some of my quilts. The problem that I have is that I have not been able to find anyone who is willing to pay for what they are worth. The majority of the time people (non quilters) want  a handmade quilt for a Wal-Mart price. That is just not possible. I have listed some quilts on a Facebook page but was told (by fellow quilters) that I was asking to little & that I was not asking an appropriate price. I agreed but also knew that I was not going to sell them at the price that I was asking & I didn't. 

Third: Books & Patterns. I think that I have enough different patterns, books & magazines to last me my entire lifetime. I like making other designers patterns as well as my own. What do I do with them? I had the crazy idea to get a hand scanner & scan all of the patterns & put them on a thumb drive. It would definetly save on space. I've not completly thrown that idea out the window but I am technology challenged & I'm just not sure yet.

I'm not sure what the answer will be on how to solve this issue. In the whole scheme of things this really isn't that big of an issue. I do know that I am going to be working on it & I will share whatever ideas that pop into my head. I will also let you know which ones work & which ones don't. I hope this hasn't been to much of a downer. I'm fired up & will find a solution.

I hope that y'all are having a great day. It's beautiful here.

More later on,


p.s. I did find the keys, they were in my car. Good place for them right? I'm just happy I found them.

1 comment:

  1. We all have the problem of space just as you do, no matter how big our original space is. Mine is now all over my house to some degree, but my sewing room is the worse. I think scanning patterns for the flash drive would save space and clutter, but out of site, means I forget about them and they will just be like photos on the computer to me. I hardly ever get to see them from years ago unless I'm looking for one particular picture and it takes forever looking through thousand of pictures on thumb drives. I also save quilt ideas on my computer, by categories and techniques, but it is much easier to look through a stack of 3 ring notebooks for a particular pattern idea that I saved (again organized by type of pattern, or quilting idea, or techniques). Good luck on finding what works for you.
